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March 25th, 2021

Seller beware: 7 things to look out for when selling your software company

Author: Alex Danieli

When it’s time to move on, you can feel excited about the next stage. You might be retiring, taking up an exciting career shift or starting another business from scratch. The urge to move on quickly can pull your focus away from important details. And these can lead to mistakes.

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How Does Private Equity Work?

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Private equity investing has increasingly entered the public consciousness over the last decade. Thanks largely to the emergence of the Silicon Valley tech bubble the advent of terms such as “Unicorns” to describe privately-owned start-ups with a valuation north of $1-billion, private equity investing has well...

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The Role of Private Equity in Merger and Acquisition Transactions

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Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) transactions are a common and often essential component in corporate growth. Empowering the rapid expansion and scaling of companies through strategic partnerships, private equity firms play a crucial role in facilitating M&A transactions for private companies. In this...

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